california beach camper
Find a Van Centre online It doesn’t matter if it’s trip to the seaside or a drive into the country, the California 6.1 Beach is a true all-round camper. This southern area of the state park has a large […], Moro Beach is the southern beach in Crystal Cove State Park located between Laguna Beach and the Corona Del Mar area of Newport Beach, CA. The main area of this state park, which is called “Bluffs Beach,” has a long continuous parking lot […], San Clemente State Beach has a large campground and day-use parking area on a prime piece of San Clemente California real estate. The county provides a small campground called Faria Beach Park at this […], Rincon Parkway is a linear campground that spans most of the Ventura shoreline between Faria Beach County Park and Hobson Beach County Park. This is a great place for sunbathing or walking the sandy shores of Monterey Bay in […], New Brighton State Beach is a wide sandy beach at the north end of Monterey Bay. Most are boat-in spots, but there is one near Avalon and one near Two Harbors that have easy access and are great for families.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'californiabeaches_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',173,'0','0'])); Tomales Bay – In addition to the boat-in spots on Catalina, there are many beach camp spots for kayakers on Tomales Bay in Marin County. This remote area is reached via a long winding […], Samoa Beach is the long strand of beach on the ocean side of the Samoa Peninsula near Eureka. The privately-owned campground is in the bottom of […], Manchester Beach in Manchester State Park has about four miles of beach in Mendocino County north of Point Arena, CA. On every one of our beach pages, we link to the owner for more info and for reservations. […], Spooner’s Cove Beach sits in a cove where Islay Creek empties into the Pacific Ocean in Montana de Oro State Park. Unlike the other three large open-water lagoons, Dry Lagoon is mostly a marshy wetlands that is best […], Gold Bluffs Beach in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park is a remote beach in northern Humboldt County. Explore the comfort, innovation and technology of the California 6.1 in our walkaround video. The new Volkswagen California Beach T6.1 is packed with travel experience. Some that stand out include:eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'californiabeaches_com-box-4','ezslot_2',113,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'californiabeaches_com-box-4','ezslot_3',113,'0','1'])); Southern California: Crystal Cove, Leo Carrillo, Sycamore Canyon. It’s part of Navarro River Redwoods State Park, a long narrow park along the Navarro River […], Albion Flat Beach is at the back of a protected cove below a picturesque Highway 1 bridge. The waters in Gerstle Cove are protected by Gerstle Cove State Marine Reserve so fishing […], Gualala Point Regional Park Beach marks the northernmost point along the Sonoma County Coast. Volkswagen ’s new California Beach camper van is now available to order in the UK, with prices starting at just over £52,000. There is a […], Emma Wood State Beach is a linear state park that parallels Highway 101 west of the city of Ventura. Unfortunately there is no tent camping at this location as they only allow […], Faria Beach is located at the north end of the private gated Faria Beach Colony in Ventura County. Most of this state beach is in front of the linear South Carlsbad Campground that […], San Onofre State Beach is located between Oceanside and San Clemente, CA. It’s a dark sand beach that is about a mile […], Wages Creek Beach is a privately-owned beach located at the Westport Beach RV Park & Campground north of Westport. All the beach campgrounds are listed below! This is a wide sandy beach with dunes, wetlands, and driftwood. Below you’ll find all of the beaches with camping options listed from south to north. It seems that customers who missed out on the California Beach Limited Edition run are quickly snapping up this new 2021 model. Achetez votre Volkswagen California Beach d'occasion en toute sécurité avec Reezocar et trouvez le meilleur prix grâce à toutes les annonces Volkswagen California Beach à vendre en Europe. Customers get a choice … Many are right on the beach so watching the sunset before heading back to your camp spot is easy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Channel Islands – For those who are even more adventurous, there are campgrounds on the Channel Islands and some are close to the beach., Copyright 2015 AUTORIESEN Corporation ALL Rights Reserved, T6 California 2.0TDI BMT 4MOTION 199ps 7DSG, コンフォートパッケージ(3ゾーンフルオートエアコン+ダッシュボードパネル(グレー/シルバー)+ポーレンフィルター), ダッシュボードパネル(シルバー/カラー)Ocean/BlueとOcean/Greyは対象外, D席パワーシート+メモリ機能+助手席リフター+D席回転シート+ランバーサポート(左:電動、右:手動)+左右シートヒーター, メモリー機能付き前席パワーシート+D席回転シート+ランバーサポート(左右:電動)+, クロームパッケージ3(1+2+ラジエター格子とその下の枠+コーナーリングフォグライト), ラジオ+CD+ブルートゥース(8スピーカー、5インチディスプレイ、USB、MP3), ラジオ+CD+ブルートゥース(8スピーカー、6.33インチディスプレイ、USB、AUX、MP3), 17インチアルミホイール(Cascavel)シルバー/ブラック:235/55R17, 18インチアルミホイール(Palmerston)ブラック/シルバー:255/45R18, ティンテッド2重防音ガラス+プライバシー+リアウインドウワイパーウォッシャ付き(ダーク). This facility has a day-use parking area in addition to its […], Seacliff State Beach is a long sandy beach on the waterfront of Aptos, CA. TEL.052-774-6151 / FAX.052-775-3341 VW’s sell-out California Beach campervan is back… and potentially selling out, again. Looking for more cars? The main southern portion of this state park is in Morro […], San Simeon Creek Beach is at the mouth of San Simeon Creek north of Cambria, CA. Plus there’s a camping table and chairs which can be set up outside or stowed neatly away to save space when not being used. The state beach starts at Linden Avenue and continues south to Tar Pits Beach at […], El Capitan State Beach is state park about twenty miles west of downtown Santa Barbara. The UK California Beach Camper variant with the mini kitchen comes standard with four seats, a fifth seat available as an upgrade. Si evolve anche il sistema di infotainmentcon l’introduzione della versione MIB3 con display che, a seconda della versione, è disponibile in tre misure: … Inside this entrance is the main day-use parking area and a small visitor […], Sycamore Cove Beach is a day-use area in Point Mugu State Park in southern Ventura County. With a good weather forecast these wilderness camps would be worth the effort as they have access to stunning remote beaches. The small community of Samoa with its historic Samoa Cookhouse Restaurant is […], Clam Beach is a Humboldt County Park just off Redwood Highway 101 near the city of McKinleyville. It’s hidden away below the main loop road near the Camp Reynolds […], Quarry Beach is located on the east side of Angel Island State Park on San Francisco Bay near Tiburon. While few allow pitching a tent right on the sand, these beachside campgrounds still offer an outdoors experience with the benefits of beach walks and the sound of waves throughout the evening.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'californiabeaches_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_22',890,'0','0'])); There are so many and they are diverse. South Carlsbad State Beach is a three-mile long beach on the waterfront of Carlsbad, CA. Ci-dessous un exemple de configuration la plus vendue. email. The parkway is only open to RV […], Hobson Beach is located south of the private gated Seacliff Beach Colony in Ventura County. Das modulare Campingsystem verwandelt deinen VW Bus im Handumdrehen zum Reisemobil. Después se coloca la … This is a rocky beach with drift […], Lawson’s Landing is a privately-owned campground and resort on a wide sandy beach known as Sand Point at the entrance to Tomales Bay. Explore the versatile VW California 6.1 Beach camper vans. California Beach Limited Edition RRP$94,990 Multivan Cruise Limited Edition RRP$73,990 Customers can order both the California Beach Limited Edition and Multivan … The resort caters to tent and RV […], Doran Beach in Doran Regional Park is located along the spit at the entrance to Bodega Harbor from Bodega Bay. Herzlich Willkommen im California-Camping Shop seit 2005 entwickeln wir Produkte für den VW California Comfortline und den California Beach. The sandy beach is in a small but deep cove where Stockhoff […], Ocean Cove Beach is a rocky shoreline below a privately-owned campground in Sonoma County. Serienmäßig ist der California 6.1 Beach unter anderem mit Alu-Aufstelldach mit Balgstoff in „Basalt Grey“, Camper-Bedienteil mit Touchscreen in der Dachkonsole, Dachbett (neu konzipiert mit Federtellern), Drehsitzen vorn, Zweisitzbank plus klappbare Bettverlängerung inkl. The park has a tent-only campground, a day-use picnic […], Copyright eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'californiabeaches_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',800,'0','0']));Point Reyes – There are campgrounds near the beaches of Point Reyes National Seashore, but they are all hike-in spots. China Camp Beach is located at China Camp Village just off North San Pedro […], Perles Beach is on the west side of Angel Island State Park on San Francisco Bay near Tiburon. It also includes an awning. Le novità più importanti però le troviamo all’interno del nuovo camper del marchio tedesco dove debutta il Digital Cockpit che permette ampia personalizzazione. The ocean beach is a long […], Dry Lagoon is one of four separate lagoons in Humboldt Lagoons State Park. The Beach slots in at the entry price point of the California 6.1 line and come in two versions – the Beach Tour and the Beach Camper. At high tide there will be little if no dry sand at Hobson Beach. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, Join our email list to get new information, events or other fun stuff, beach camp spots for kayakers on Tomales Bay, Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, Spooner’s Cove – Montana de Oro State Park, Manresa Uplands Beach (Sand Dollar Beach), Francis Beach – Half Moon Bay State Beach, Agate Beach at Patrick’s Point State Park. The Albion River Bridge is a combination of wooden trestle and deck truss […], Van Damme Beach State Park is located at the mouth of Little River in the small town of Little River. Redaktionen von 17 europäischen Reisemobil-, Caravan-, Camping-Zeitschriften und Blogger aus der Caravan-Branche haben dem California 6.1 »Beach Camper« den »European Innovation Award« verliehen. San Francisco Bay – Angel Island on San Francisco Bay has several campgrounds and most are not a long walk to either of two modest beaches. Birds can be […], Sand Dollar Day-Use Picnic Area is along the southern Big Sur coast about half-way between Cambria and Big Sur Station. The California Beach Camper Van and Multivan Cruise limited editions will be built in a short production run of just 30 cars each, priced from $74,990 for … Und noch etwas Neues gibt es beim California Beach: Zum ersten Mal ist der Camper in der Ausführung "Tour" mit einer weiteren Schiebetür auf der linken Seite erhältlich. This is a popular state park with a campground, nice day use picnic facilities, and a long wide […], The Manresa Uplands Campground unit of Manresa State Beach has a separate entrance south of La Selva Beach, CA. Dabei konnte sich das Modell gegen sage und schreibe zwölf starke Mitbewerber durchsetzen. Doran Spit is a great place to view the bay, […], Bodega Dunes is a large state park campground and coastal dunes structure in the town of Bodega Bay. It’s just a short walk out on a trail to an overlook where many […], Andrew Molera State Park Beach is a long sandy, rocky, and driftwood-covered beach along the base of the Big Sur headlands. La gama arranca en la California Beach Camper, con versiones de 4 a 5 plazas y unos precios que arrancan en 59.930 euros. In addition to having an excellent beach in a semi-protected […], Russian Gulch State Park, north of Mendocino, has a sandy beach below the Highway 1 bridge where Russian Gulch Creek flows into a narrow cove. T6 California 2.0TDI BMT 4MOTION DSG T6 California 2.0TDI BMT 2WD 150ps 7DSG Beach 8,046,000円 8,503,854円 … Central California: El Capitan, Jalama, Spooner’s Cove, Andrew Moleraeval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'californiabeaches_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_0',170,'0','0'])); Northern California: Kirby Cove, Wrights, Mattole (remote), Patricks Point. You’ll need to look at the list below for options near your home or vacation spot to determine which camping spot is best for your needs.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'californiabeaches_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',194,'0','0'])); No matter where you plan to go, contact the state park, private owner, or manager to see if they offer reservations. This narrow sandy beach is near Fort McDowell about a 1/3 […], Kirby Cove Beach is at the base of the Marin Headlands north of the entrance to San Francisco Bay. While the rock and sand beach in […], Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park on the Big Sur Coast is home to iconic McWay Falls. Every California has two camping chairs in the rear and a table in the sliding door. A look at the California 6.1 First up is the Beach. Le California Beach Camper 6.1 peut être commandé avec une banquette trois places (deux places de série), grâce à sa mini-cuisine escamotable. Inside the main state park entrance and […], South Beach at Leo Carrillo State Park is across Pacific Coast Highway from the main park entrance. Volkswagen California Beach Tour T 6.1 This wide sandy beach is part of Big Basin Redwoods State Park, the oldest and one of the largest […], Francis Beach is the southernmost beach in Half Moon Bay State Beach. At low […], Refugio State Beach is a state park located about twenty miles from Santa Barbara. The campground has access to a narrow rocky beach […], The beach at Limekiln State Park sits in the shadow of a tall bridge on Highway 1 in the southern Big Sur area. The beach itself is a sandy spot sandwiched by the […], Main Beach is the beach closest to the main entrance and campgrounds in MacKerricher State Park north of Fort Bragg. Volkswagen T6 California 6.1 Beach avec son toit relevé © DR Volkswagen a présenté en première mondiale, lors du salon du camping-car de Düsseldorf, son nouveau T6 version 6.1 en finition California Beach (modèle d'entrée de gamme). The official name of the beach is Wages Creek Beach but […], Westport-Union Landing State Beach is a three mile long rocky shoreline north of the small town of Westport, CA. The […], Carpinteria State Beach is an excellent white sand beach right in the city of Carpinteria. 名古屋市名東区香坂1823 This beautiful cove has a pebbly beach, tide pools, […], Morro Bay State Park is well-known for its hiking (Morro Bay State Park topo map) and mountain biking trails (not to mention the Morro Bay State Park Golf Course), but […], Morro Strand State Beach is divided into two parts that are in the cities of Morro Bay and Cayucos. The picnic area and Sand Dollar Beach are popular in […], Kirk Creek Campground is a is a blufftop camping spot for RV and tent campers in the southern Big Sur area. There is a campground […], Willow Creek Beach is located on the sandy banks of the Russian River near the town of Jenner. Jones Beach Camp is an environmental tent campsite along the […], Mattole Beach is at the sandy mouth of the Mattole River at the north end of King Range National Conservation Area. Compact and comfortable, it’s a living room, kitchen and bedroom all in one. Crown Cove Beach across the highway on San Diego […], San Elijo State Beach is a long beach that takes up most of the oceanfont land in the community of Cardiff-by-the-Sea in Encinitas, CA. Most of the state beach campgrounds can be reserved through ReserveCalifornia.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'californiabeaches_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',699,'0','0'])); Catalina Island – Going to Catalina and want to camp instead of hotelling it? The state park was built from 1934 to […], The South Beach of Doheny State Beach is on the south side of San Juan Creek in Dana Point, CA. Francis Beach has a nice grassy park with many of picnic tables and barbecues on the bluff above […], China Camp State Park is a large state park on San Pablo Bay north of San Francisco. Explore Volkswagen California for sale as well! Pismo Creek meets the ocean at this location and sometimes pools up next to the campground. This is the largest state park along the Big […], Sunset State Beach is located west of the city of Watsonville, CA. The beach can be accessed by the general public through the campground for day-use, but will […], Gerstle Cove Beach is directly below the visitor center building in Salt Point State Park. The campground has 20 camping spots and access to the […], Timber Cove Beach is at the Timber Cove Campground and Boat Landing about 14 miles north of Jenner in Sonoma County. The view from the beach is stunning with the city of […], Steep Ravine Beach is a small secluded beach at the bottom of a steep canyon below Highway 1 south of Stinson Beach, CA. You can't buy Volkswagen's T6.1 California Ocean camper van in the United States or Canada, but VW brought it over for us to try anyway. From the visitor center walk back on the road a bit to the old wooden […], Jones Beach is located below Jones Beach Camp on the bluff between two creek drainages in Sinkyone Wilderness State Park. It’s a great destination for day or overnight use. Despite the name, the park is not in the nearby town of Gualala which lies across […], Fish Rock Beach is in front of the Anchor Bay Campground in the community of Anchor Bay just north of Gualala, California. Most of this state beach is in front of the linear South Carlsbad Campground that […] T6 California 2.0TDI BMT FF DSG, VWのT6ベースのキャンピングカー、VW T6 カリフォルニア。2.0Lのディーゼルターボエンジンを搭載しているので走行性能も高く、とても快適。T6 カリフォルニアは全モデルにポップアップルーフが設定されています。日本でキャンピング設備を仕様できるようジャパンパッケージ、日本のカーナビ、サイド&バックカメラをセットにしたナビパッケージもご用意しております。, ※スペック、オプション、装備・オプション内容、価格等は為替レートの変動等によって予告なく変更する場合があります。, 輸入車の車検、点検、整備はオートリーゼンのピットサービスをご利用下さい。他店で整備されていた自動車、他店で購入された自動車、転勤などでお近くに引越しされた方もお気軽にご利用下さい。, 〒465-0007 The beach in Sycamore Cove is excellent, but the biggest draw to this spot […], Thornhill Broome Beach in Point Mugu State Beach is in front of a long campground on the ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway in southern Ventura County. Compared with the more luxurious California Coast and Ocean version, the Beach is a somewhat sportier camper. It starts at Warner Avenue and extends south to Seapoint Avenue. The California Beach models are more MPVs with pop-up roof than fully equipped mobile getaways, but with the added flexibility to carry more people as a result. North of Warner […], Dockweiler State Beach is a popular long wide sandy beach near the LAX Airport in the Playa Del Rey area of Los Angeles. If you are a tent camper then some of the “RV-only” campgrounds in Southern California like Silver Strand State Beach won’t work at all.
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